Monday, July 14, 2014

Journal Post 07/14/2014

Sunday is here again, I have returned from my typical bi-weekly errands trip. I am a frugal shopper, price matching is what I do best. I am very interested in the coupon craze  but absolutely cannot wrap my mind around it. I am unsure as to why, or if it is just that I am resistant to learn.
I saw something in Walmart today that absolutely warmed my heart. A little boy with down syndrome was with his mom, or some female guardian. I am unsure of how old he was but he was an absolute doll. He was sweet too, all he wanted to do was love on his mom.
I always find myself worrying about these children while I am out somewhere. I am worried that they will be made fun of, or if they have a physical disability like my son, I am worried that they will fall or cry and it would just devastate me. I guess even four years later I still have some hormones running through me. Mom hormones, momones.
I suppose it is a good thing to have, but other times it hinders me. If I am watching the news at work and something comes on about a young child and it is sad, tragic or infuriating I almost always break down in tears. It's as if I can feel the ones who loved the baby’s pain. I hope that I never lose that type of compassion, however I also hope that it doesn’t get so bad that I have to stop watching the news in fear of seeing something like this.

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