Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Journal Post 07/08/2014

This will be my frustration journal. I am so tired of working amongst a group of people who work harder to not work than to just work at all. I am absolutely sick and tired of my boss dumping every possible assignment on me and then reprimanding me because I have one hour of overtime. Things used to be different here, I used to love every single day I was able to come to work. Then my manager changed. At first I was excited because as much as I loved my boss, I thought it was time for a change. This new boss seemed like she had all her ducks in a row and was a bulldog for her team, and she is, but I never in my life have witnessed someone so two-faced in all my time working. This woman does not know how to delegate fairly, nor does she want to. I am her pawn in the game of life and she is absolutely ok with that. However I am not, I know I am in school to better myself, but right now my biggest motivation is to get out of the department I once loved so very much. I remember when I started here, there was a lot of work to be done and we were very much understaffed. I didn’t mind, in the blink of an eye I would work 16 hours to ensure that all the work was done for the following day. All I have left now of those days are memories. I hope one day, I can find another position much like the one I loved so very much six years ago.

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