Saturday, June 28, 2014

Know Your Audience Analysis Blog Post

My audience this semester is a group on inspired people. Based on the "Getting to Know Your Audience" discussion, I was captivated to read all the responses to my particular question. I laughed and sighed and got a little surprised when one of my classmates said that he didn’t really ever watch TV or movies. Then I thought, wow, how awesome is that? This guy is a do-er, it obviously does not sit down much and if he does he is expanding his mind in a book rather than mindless television. It made me think about how much time I waste in front of the tube, and so I asked my husband to time me when he thought about it one weekend to see how often I stopped in front of the TV and ‘checked out.” I do not even want to share the results with you all because it is so incredibly embarrassing! I just know that I dedicated my Saturdays strictly to my son, and there is only one hour of TV allowed in the house every Saturday. It has proven very effective and I think we are all much happier and energized on our weekends!
Secondly in regards to my “audience” I have noticed there is a significant number of family oriented people. I absolutely love that, in my mind there is nothing more important that family and friends. Without them we wouldn’t be the people we are today, and although not everyone is fortunate enough to have a strong family backing I would say that most of us are and that we are greatly blessed.
Lastly, this was probably stuck out to me the most, and probably because I feel so inferior, is the writing capabilities of everyone in this class. The writing my classmates do absolutely blow me out of the water. So elegant and descriptive, with perfect timing and flow. I could only hope to get as half as good by the end of this semester!

1 comment:

  1. Analysis requires you to make conclusions about the information your analizing. What does all of this mean to you as a writer? A student? What will work for you considering your audience? Do not forget to be fearless and make claims that you support. ~Ms. A.
