Friday, June 27, 2014

Journal Post 6-27-2014

I could not be more happy that it is Friday, after the week I have had at home, work and school, I am desperate for a break. There has been a lot of things happening. I found out this morning that my Uncle’s wife, Tammy, her father died while on the operating table at one of the major hospitals in town. It was nothing that could have been prevented as his heart just decided it was done working, and he went home to be with his wife that had died a few years earlier.
Now, I understand that this is a very difficult time in Tammy’s life, however the way she is using my own Grandmother (her mother-in-law) as her personal servant is truly getting under my skin. I watched her sit at a table for an hour this evening playing a video game on her phone as my grandmother did all of the dishes and cleaned her entire kitchen after feeding the entire heard of people that gathered to support the loss of this particular family member. I was packing up food and just in awe of the rudeness, she was laughing and carrying on with zero regards to what was going on around her. I know this sounds cold and like I should be giving her some slack, but it is usually worse than this, she never helps with anything, not even her own husband who has a fractured hip gets help bringing in all their luggage when they come in on the weekends.
I digress, I think the heat of the summer and the frustration of this week has made me just a touch cranky, and the fact I haven’t had a full night’s sleep in over a month. Summer classes may have added to my stress just a touch.

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