Monday, June 30, 2014

Journal Post 06/30/2014

Crime, it’s all around us, the news stations love it. It occurs on a daily basis and whether we like it or not our days are usually impacted by it in one way or another. We might see a clip on the news about an armed robbery during our pre-work rituals or a break at lunch taken looking at to see if anyone from high school or a family member is in the tank. It is absolutely everywhere. My question is; can we do anything about it? It may just be me or the boom of social media letting everyone know about what all is going on in the world but I feel like crime is increasing. It is scary to think that our children are being pushed into this ever changing world of hate and violence. Where school shootings are just as horrific to hear about, but not as shell shocking as they once were. What is happening? Is it the video games, the movies? Is it bad parenting or drugs? No one can say for sure. There are studies everywhere blaming one of the things I listed above but nothing solid. So how can we battle a problem if we don’t know the cause is? We can’t, right? Wrong. Or at least I think so; we have been given some amazing tools in our lifetimes. Social media is becoming more than just a gossip zone, it is making people aware. It gives officers clues and in some incidences it has brought criminals to their appropriate punishments. We have to be proactive as citizens and parents. We have to use our voices and the tools in front of us. Otherwise we join the sheep in the stadium and watch helplessly, and one of these days we may not have the luxury of being sheep, instead we will be involved and we will surely wish our peers are doing the same for us.

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